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Find out what we can do for you and your mouth.

Esame dei denti

With hygiene and prophylaxis we mean all those maneuvers that have as their purpose the removal of factors capable of determining gingival inflammation and caries. These factors are primarily represented by plaque and tartar. Tartar like plaque can be located on the teeth either above the gum level or below the gum level. Plaque and tartar deposited at or below the gingival sulcus is responsible for gingivitis, which if neglected results in periodontitis or the so-called “pyorrhea” which undermines the foundation of the tooth.

Femminile sorriso a trentadue denti bianco


Conservative dentistry deals with treating dental caries which can be superficial or deep. We then proceed with the elimination of caries and the closure of the cavities resulting from the elimination of the enamel through the use of appropriate materials. The term conservative indicates the care of the teeth, preserving those threatened by caries. Conservative dentistry also treats malformations, imperfections or dental discolorations with non-prosthetic reconstructive techniques.

Dal dentista

Oral surgery is a branch of maxillofacial surgery that naturally deals with the oral cavity. It is reserved for specialists only. The main operations of odontostomatological surgery are:

  • Extraction of damaged teeth, of impacted or partially included teeth such as blocked canines and still submerged wisdom teeth;

  • Removal of cysts and small tumors;

  • The removal of the pathological tissues of the oral cavity and tongue;

  • Apicoectomies, ie surgical removal of the root apex of a tooth to treat a tooth with necrotic pulp;

  • Sinus lift to increase bone volume and be able to rehabilitate insufficient or atrophic parts;

  • Reconstruction of bone or soft tissue;

  • Aesthetic procedures involving the mouth and the lower portion of the face;

  • Implantology.

The professor. Corigliano has been a specialist in Special Odontostomatological Surgery since 2010


Conservative dentistry also deals with a very delicate specialty called Endodontics which treats the teeth that have had the attack of the pulp chamber leading to its infection with death. The typical endodontic therapy is the devitalization of the tooth, the subsequent root canal treatment and reconstruction of the damaged crown


By implantology we mean the set of surgical and prosthetic techniques designed to functionally rehabilitate a patient suffering from total or partial edentulism through the use of dental implants, metallic or not, surgically inserted into the mandibular or maxillary bone, or above it but under the gum, which in turn allow the connection of fixed or mobile prostheses for restoring the chewing function.

The best Bone response to implant prosthetic therapy is given byBone RepairPrimary of which prof. Corigliano is a scholar and author since 1998. 

Prof. Corigliano received a PhD in Implant Prosthetics in 1994.

Braces Smile

 AND'the dental discipline that treats and corrects dental malocclusions.

It is essential in cases of malocclusion or bad habits in the pediatric age. Typical causes of childhood malocclusion are: skeletal problems, infant swallowing, sucking of the finger and tongue, oral breathing, tooth agenesis, flawed habits, allergies and all carious diseases that lead to premature loss of deciduous teeth .

Its therapeutic application is fundamental for the correct development of children and adolescents in developmental age.

We speak of adult orthodontics when the permanent dentition is now complete and the craniofacial growth is also finished.
In this case, to remedy any malocclusions, skeletal problems, or prosthetic rehabilitations, fixed equipment is normally used to obtain suitable results.

One of the new dental technologies that allows you to realign your teeth without using brachets and metal wires is Invisalign, which is the transparent appliance.

If, after an analysis of the dental impressions, the technique can be applied, a personalized treatment plan will be drawn up through the use of software so that the patient can actually see his plan from start to finish.

Image by Lesly Juarez

The fixed prosthesis has the task of replacing missing teeth. The fixed prosthesis can be built on endosseous implants and natural teeth; in the first case it replaces the whole tooth (the implant replaces the root and the crown the emerged portion), in the second only the crown of the missing teeth (the visible part of the teeth). The fixed prosthesis today is made almost exclusively with aesthetic materials. This prevents edges and metal parts from being seen.


The visits and routine checks allow to intercept at an early stage, any lesions of the oral cavity of benign or non-benign origin.

Controllo annuale

Pedodontics is the sector of dentistry that deals with the care of children's teeth. In our offices, pediatric treatment is performed by dentists and appropriate nursing staff and can be preceded, when necessary, by approaching sessions.


It is a complex discipline that deals with rebalancing and correcting Cervical Cranio Mandibular Disorders (DCCM) and all the pathologies of the Temporo Mandibular Joint (TMJ) that often result in joint incoordination, flawed habits, functional blocks, trigeminal and joint pains.

Gnathological therapy is faced with accurate visits of the facial components but also and above all of the symmetries of the body. This is why we often collaborate with Posturologists and Osteopaths


It is a discipline that deals with the analysis and correction of harmony and body symmetries. It has a great impact on dental problems that are often the cause or effect of poor posture.

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